My name is Kaisa. I'm a mathematician -- an algebraic geometer -- and I've been teaching classes from precalculus to algebraic geometry on the college level for... well, ten years! Some of those years were in graduate school, but for the last three years I have been a visiting assistant professor at St. Olaf College and Cornell University and have had much more power to shape my classes.
This is the year of the mathematics of planet earth, which seems like a really cool idea. At Cornell I tried to bring some of these ideas into the classroom but was frustrated at the lack of curricular materials available to professors. My summer project is to provide some of those materials. This blog is intended to be a free resource for calculus instructors at all levels and will run from June to mid-August.
I would like to assemble this material and some more into an e-book in August. (I'm secretly interested in disrupting the current publishing model in mathematics -- but we'll see how that goes!) This blog aims to spark a discussion over the summer about how to include the planet earth in our calculus classes and then, this fall, we can introduce these beautiful and intriguing uses of mathematics to many students across the world!
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